"The rebels are out there thicker than fleas on a dog's back!!"-

Sunday, May 11, 2008

mothers day

When I was growing up I think I was the perfect angel. I never said a cross word, never got into to things(and even if I did I never ever tore them up). I was never spiteful, or angry. I never did things just to see if I could get away without getting caught. As a matter of fact< I don't think that as a baby I even had a dirty diaper. (However, I did have a wet one....once, but I realized even as an infant how much discord that could cause, so, I never did that again.) I never hit my brother. I never picked on any of my little sisters. I ate all my veggies without complaint. I went to bed every night at the same time without any trouble. I always said my prayers. I picked up my toys without being asked. I never got dirty. Why, you could drink my bath water if you were so inclined. When we went to the store, I never asked for anything, no toys, candy, or anything that might strike my fancy. I was always a joy to be around, a pleasure to talk to. Yeah, I was something to behold, the very epitamy of "THE PERFECT CHILD".
Now, how many of you parents out there would have liked to have had me to raise. Well, if ther is any out there who would, all I have to say is,"Shame on you". To any who know me, you realize that I have been lying through my teeth. I was NOT the perfect child and would have whupped the tar out of any who came close to that discription.
So, I guess what I am getting at is that life with a child is an adventure and if it was a child like me then heaven help you. The next time your son comes in with a frog and puts it in the flour canister because he wants frog legs for supper but didn't have the heart to cut them off, well,just be cool and call me for the perfect floured frog recipe.
So moms (and dads) have agreat Mother's Day, and know that even the worst can turn out OK.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

OK Johnny, I better never and I mean Never find a frog in my flour jar....just keep in mind if I ever do I will know who taught Daegan this trick!