"The rebels are out there thicker than fleas on a dog's back!!"-

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Clear the air

Hi,and welcome to Southern Wisdom?! I would like to thank all my readers and would appreciate more input from you. Don't be shy to voice your opinion whether it is in agreement with me or not. I understand that not everyone will side with me on everything I say (even if you should). But I don't mind objectively listening to what you have to say.
Now if you know me at all, I am pretty much a conservative in my point of view. I believe that a child should be disciplined. I am against abortion. I can't abide the homosexual lifestyle. I believe that our country is the greatest in the world right now but is quickly deteriating with all the candy-assed liberals and thier view of political correctness. I believe that our constitution is being shreaded a piece at a time by those who want to impose thier way of life on decent folk. Don't they realize that they are rotting the very core on which this country was built. I want to know about my freedoms and privileges and that of my family, do they not matter? Well, you can bet your sweet pa-toot, they matter to me and I strongly believ that if we as Christians don't get back to the foundation of our roots that we will be forced to accept every little whim and fancy of these spineless views.
We cannot sit Idly by and watch as a godless mob takes over our lives. I WILL NOT! So, as the sayig goes,"S*#t or get off the pot". If you don't take a stand you will get walked on. I urge you to take a stand for the things that you know to be right and not some passing fancy. If what I have written offends you, please don't be shy about telling me. I know I won't be when I tell you to grow a skin. I am angry at the direction that is being taken. The news is filled with the lies told by those who want to run our country. People want something just because it's different. I believe that Obama is just the opposite of the KKK. I think that would be XXX. This country cannot hold up under another Clinton administration with its lies and embarrassment. I don't know that we have the best of choices on the other side either.
I just pray that God will have mercy on us and our ignorance and will protect us when we ask for things that are not to His benifit.
I'm gona shut up for now because I have said enough for one trip. Just remember the enemy is not always on the other side of the firing line. Take caution and guard jealously what you believe and those you love.

I Tip My Hat:

If any of you have not yet looked at Jessica's blogging for the last week, I would strongly recommend it. Jess, My hat goes off to you. The pictures are fabulous and the dialogue is catchy. I hope that you have more fun than any one person deserves. I was astounded at the breath-taking beauty you capture with your lens. DANG, your good!! Keep it up. and know that you are appreciated in many areas and admired by lots of people, (I am your new #1 Fan) I think you ought to set up shop with your camera!!!

You are special to all us in the Hood clan and I'm not just saying this because I'm getting a haircut later. ha ha!

Feel free to share more of your art with us, and thank you.

Your friend, Johnny

Monday, May 12, 2008

And the home of the free....PLAY BALL!

There he is folks. The rookie has been called up from the diaper league. For the past four years he has been groomed as a devastating secret weapon, both in the field and at the plate.
No father ever felt as much pride and excitement as I did this afternoon when Daegan took the field for his first T-ball practice. His own excitement kept me riveted to him. He was dancing around and anxious and didn't have a clue as to what to do.
I was proud of the way he went after the ball. I saw one of the greatest sights anyone could behold, the joy on his face when he clobbered the ball.
I look forward to watching him in the coming years develope the skills and aquiring the patience, fortitude, and finesce that comes from dedication to one's self and his team-mates. The All-American sport of baseball will benifit greatly from the aquisition of one of the soon to be all time greats...Daegan Wiiliam Dale Hood.
So grab a dog,coke, and a bag of popcorn and head out to the park and see this phenominon. Don't be ashamed to ask for an autograph. It will be worth a lot in the future. I've got mine.
So here's to you my hero of the hardwood, you've already knocked one out of the park with me!!!! I love you, son. I am very proud of you. Play hard, but most of all have FUN! Daddy (:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

mothers day

When I was growing up I think I was the perfect angel. I never said a cross word, never got into to things(and even if I did I never ever tore them up). I was never spiteful, or angry. I never did things just to see if I could get away without getting caught. As a matter of fact< I don't think that as a baby I even had a dirty diaper. (However, I did have a wet one....once, but I realized even as an infant how much discord that could cause, so, I never did that again.) I never hit my brother. I never picked on any of my little sisters. I ate all my veggies without complaint. I went to bed every night at the same time without any trouble. I always said my prayers. I picked up my toys without being asked. I never got dirty. Why, you could drink my bath water if you were so inclined. When we went to the store, I never asked for anything, no toys, candy, or anything that might strike my fancy. I was always a joy to be around, a pleasure to talk to. Yeah, I was something to behold, the very epitamy of "THE PERFECT CHILD".
Now, how many of you parents out there would have liked to have had me to raise. Well, if ther is any out there who would, all I have to say is,"Shame on you". To any who know me, you realize that I have been lying through my teeth. I was NOT the perfect child and would have whupped the tar out of any who came close to that discription.
So, I guess what I am getting at is that life with a child is an adventure and if it was a child like me then heaven help you. The next time your son comes in with a frog and puts it in the flour canister because he wants frog legs for supper but didn't have the heart to cut them off, well,just be cool and call me for the perfect floured frog recipe.
So moms (and dads) have agreat Mother's Day, and know that even the worst can turn out OK.