"The rebels are out there thicker than fleas on a dog's back!!"-

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Real Men Don't Wear Flipflops

No matter the material or the circumstance, I don't think you would ever see The Duke in a pair of these ridiculously impractical foot gear. I mean, after all , how would he fasten his spurs to them? Even if you are more inclined toward the modern day cowboy, the motorcycle rider, can you picture Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper tooling down the open road on their way to Madi-Gras on their choppers wearing flip flops? They just don't make any sense! If you disagree, then we could put it to the test. . . You could get together a team of, oh let's say 4 people and I could get my team of 4 and we could have a rodeo, or a cross-country motorcycle ride or even a motorcycle rodeo. The only difference is that my team would not be wearing flip flops. It is hard to climb a tree in them. You surely wouldn't want to go hunting in them. So I leave you to my opinion of the flip flop, the most uncomfortableand impractical of all footwear.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I will have to disagree with you on this one Johnny..... Flip Flops are very practical! Did you know you can wear them even if you are missing a toe? Just ask Bill.... he does it everytime he takes out the trash! ha ha