"The rebels are out there thicker than fleas on a dog's back!!"-

Friday, April 25, 2008


Now, all I need is a woman to drag to my cave.

Actually, mandy says the first improvement to the camper is a toilet. I told her five-gallon drywall buckets serve the same purpose. A toilet seat fits the top perfectly

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ruffin and Ready

Today, begins a new chapter of our lives all because of one spontanious purchase. This will, I hope, be something that will bring our family even closer than we have been. It will confine us to a space so small yet so large that we cannot nor will we want to ignore one another. It will take a team effort to make it work. Everyone will be included and will have certain duties to perform. The Great Outdoors is calling the Hood clan. We are going wild in a civilized way. Today Mandy and I bought a camper. I think this will be a great addition to the family and I know if I have my way it will see a lot of use. I am very excited about this in case you can't tell! We all are! So, we'll see ya'll in the wilderness.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

some things about me

I was born December 5, 1960. I remember it was raining.
I am the second of five children.
I was raised on a dairy farm.
I like people.
Humor is a defense mechanism.
I like to help people.
Horses are cool. I like them with a little spirit.
I can't dance but i like to sing.
I don't like confrontations but will fight for what I believe.
Don't mess with my son or my wife.
I like to hunt...mainly for the solitude.
I like to play Jepardy along with the tv.
I get a lot of satisfaction from a job well done.
I used to get in a lot of trouble.
I wish I were a better comunicator.
I am very clumsy.
I cannot stand hip-hop or rap or is it the same thing?
I like the feel of the open road on a motorcycle.
People are funny creatures.
politics is stupid.
Say what you Mean and Mean what you say.
I don't like Hillary or Obama.
I am not mean-hearted.
I hate a wasted life.
I hate having wasted most of mine.
Fun can be enjoyed more when sober.
One doesn't have to be vulgar to get a point accross.
My voice is too gruff.
I am too short for all the living I have to do.
I got my teeth Knocked out playing freshman basketball.
I have two children, Eva Marie, age 27; Daegan age 4... Cool huh?
I have had too many Mother-in-laws. I really got a keeper this time.
My wife makes the best muskidine cake.
I am a good cook.
I never kill a deer or find any mushroons.
I like being myself.
i am opinionated.
Homosexuality is sickly wrong.
Abortion is another word for murder.
I am a dunce when it comes to computers.
I lie down with my son and tell him stories every night.
Money is something I rarely see.
Money is not that important to me.
I like to preach.
I got kissed by a monkey in Krogers in Memphis, Tn. when I was 11. It scared me!
I've been shot, stabbed, hit by a car, set on fire, and hit in the head with an axe.
I have been loved.
I have been hated.
I want to play the guitar.
Life is good these days.
I don't have very many close friends, but i would go to war for the ones I have.
I like trucks.
I want to find my greatest good.
I would like to skydive.
I tell my story to try to save others from the same misery I went through.
I am sober and clean now for 6 years.
Life is meant to be lived not watched, so work hard, play fair, and always be on the lookout for those who may need your helping hand.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My fortress

I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress,and my deliverer, my God is my rock in whom I take refuge. Psalms 18:1&2

I am always overwhelmed by everyday things and sometimes I need to know that I am not alone and don't have to go at it by myself. It is good tohave the assurance of a safe-house, a place where I don't have to be strong and where I am safe. My God provides me with a safe haven. I'm so glad that He pulls me to His bosom and protects me....Thank you God for your never ending love!

Ain't a fit day for man nor beast

Today is the twelvth of April. We were suppose to have a work day at the ball park. So I get up this morning and walk to the park, of course I stop and get me a cup of caffine for my morning fix. When I got to the park no one was there but Travis Lingafelter. He was getting the diamonds ready for the girls to play ball this afternoon. It looked a lot like rain and the wind was really whipping and I come to find out that work had been canceled. Well, I had walked all that way and even though it was drizzling from time to time, I told Travis to give me something to do, so he put me on a lawn-mower. It was my first experience on a zero turn mower. It was pretty cool. I' like to have one if for nothing else just to do donuts. It was fun to drive. Let me clarify...I didn't cut donuts, I just know that it would be fun. So the day wasn't a waste, I got to do a little something and met someone new. Now it's to home and to work. By the way, Good Luck Girls.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Real Men Don't Wear Flipflops

No matter the material or the circumstance, I don't think you would ever see The Duke in a pair of these ridiculously impractical foot gear. I mean, after all , how would he fasten his spurs to them? Even if you are more inclined toward the modern day cowboy, the motorcycle rider, can you picture Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper tooling down the open road on their way to Madi-Gras on their choppers wearing flip flops? They just don't make any sense! If you disagree, then we could put it to the test. . . You could get together a team of, oh let's say 4 people and I could get my team of 4 and we could have a rodeo, or a cross-country motorcycle ride or even a motorcycle rodeo. The only difference is that my team would not be wearing flip flops. It is hard to climb a tree in them. You surely wouldn't want to go hunting in them. So I leave you to my opinion of the flip flop, the most uncomfortableand impractical of all footwear.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

In the name of God and humanity I protest! Confederate General John Bell Hood

Do any of you see a resemblence?

General John Bell Hood, CSA 1831-1879.

This is a great grandfather of mine who was a confederate general that fought under Longstreet in Gettysburg and Chickamauga and defended Atlanta against Sherman's march to the sea. He lost the use of one arm in Gettysburg and lost one leg in the battle of Chickamauga. They strapped him to his saddle to fight.